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Welcome to the Hair for Care Fundraising website. This website will be your official guide to our charity cut-a-thon taking place on April 5, 2016 at Calia Hair Salon. Click on each tab to learn more about the event itself, to sign up for your services, and who we are, as Cutting Edge Events. 

our team

Cutting Edge Events is a six persons team of the Event Management Postgraduate Certificate Program at the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. We have been commissioned to plan, manage, produce and host an event to benefit the Humber Scholarship Fund and the Canadian Cancer Society. Throughout the course of the Event Management Program, members of our team have been given the opportunity to develop and demonstrate an understanding of event planning; event production; event financial management; sales and sponsorship, event marketing, human resource and volunteer management, and catering management. With the knowledge and experienced gained from the Event Management Program, members of our team have be able to transfer the professional skills acquired to plan and execute our Hair for Care event.


Further to the experience attained from the Event Management Program, members within our team have extensive experience relating to the planning, managing, and the production of hosting a live event. Every member within our team has a vast variety of volunteering experience in charity, not-for-profit and fundraising events. The experience in volunteering that our team has encompasses a wide range of experience such as engaging with event coordinators and staff, employees, participants, attendees and vendors. Members of our team also bring volunteering experience in the departments of registration, food and beverage, coat check, booths and vendors, logistics and a high level of customer service. Other volunteering experiences include volunteer management, venue design, décor construction and quick and effective troubleshooting skills. Members within our team have volunteering experience in a variety of haircutting/hairstyling charity events and cut-a-thons. With a distinct array of volunteering experience, the experience acquired by team members is transferable to the Hair for Care fundraising initiative.


our partner

In May 2000, Peter and Luisa Ciarduilli opened Calia Hair Design in mid-town Toronto, incorporating the names of their children, Luca and Julia to create a brand distinct as themselves. Over a sixteen year process, the Ciarduilli’s have watched their business grow and mature into something special and unique. In March 2015, Peter and Luisa opened their second location, located in the trendy and glamourous shopping district of Yorkille. Located on Davenport Road near Avenue, the salon made a mark through its sleek look and talented stylists, carving out a sophisticated place for itself within the historic district.


Come join the excellent staff of Calia Hair Design at their Davenport location as they help Cutting Edge Events produce Hair for Care. With their desire for excellence through exceptional customer care, quality hair services, and a devoted and talented staff, they are a perfect venue space and Title Sponsor for this amazing fundraising initiative.

Check out Calia Hair Design

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